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C701272 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:30 years
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Caste:Kapu Naidu
Marital Status:Single
State:Tamil Nadu
City :Chennai
Personal Information
About Profile:
Spoken Languages:Tamil, English, Telugu
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Slim
Height:5 Ft 10 In
Weight:75.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Non Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
About Family:
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Traditional
Family Status:Above middle
Father's Occupation:Retired Farmer
Mothers Occupation:House Wife
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:1 of 1 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Chartered Accountant
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Partner and Working as an Audit Manager
Salary:2500000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Kuja Dosha:No
Music:Classical, Folk
Timepass:Travelling, Spend time
with Family -
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:18 & 30
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Athletic, Average, Slim
Eating Habits:Eggetarian, Buddhist Vegetarian, Non Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, Jain Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Raasi:Dhanush, Kumba, Simha, Makara, Meena, Vrischika, Mithuna, Kanya, Mesha, Thula, Vrishaba, Karkataka
Star:Vishakha, Revati, Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi, Krittika, Uttara Ashadha / Uthradam, Chitra, Mrigashira, Anuradha, Shatabhisha / Sadayam, Uttara Phalguni (Uttara), Ashwini, Jyeshta / Kettai, Ashlesha / Ayilyam, Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi, Shravana / Thiruvonam, Purva Ashadha / Pooradam, Mula, Punarvasu, Purva Phalguni (Pubbha), Rohini, Pushya, Magha, Ardra / Thiruvathirai, Bharani, Hasta, Dhanishta / Avittam, Svati
Castes:Kapu Naidu, Balija, Munnuru Kapu, Turpu Kapu, Naidu, Balija Naidu, Telaga, Ontari, Gajula Balija, Surya Balija, Balajiga, Kapu Reddy, Caste no bar
Education:Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A), Diploma in Fire Engineering, Others, Under Graduate Training (U.G.T), Master of Psychiatric Epidemiology (M.P.E), Master of Public Health (M.P.H), Master of Hospital Administration (M.H.A), Master of Personnel Management (MPM), Bachelor of Business Management (B.B.M), Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (B.M.L.T), Masters Programme In Sports Physiotheraphy (M.S.P.T), Master of Physiotheraphy (M.P.T), Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S), Master of Hospitality Management (M.H.M), Diploma in Fashion Technology, Master of Public Systems Management (M.P.S.M), Bachelor of Socio Legal Sciences (B.S.L), Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.Sc), Master of Architecture (M.Arch), Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management (B.H.T.M), Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A), Bachelor of Library Science (B.L.Sc), Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery (B.U.M.S), Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W), Master of International Business (M.I.B), Bachelor of Communication Journalism (B.C.J), Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EL.Ed), Bachelor of Tourism Administration (B.T.A), Basic Training Certificate (B.T.C), Master of Information Management (M.I.M), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Master of Human Resource Management (M.H.R.M), Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.S), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Master of Arts in Theatre & Television (M.A.T.T), Master of Arts in Management (M.A.M), Diploma in Petroleum Engineering, MBA (USA), Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S), Bachelor of Arts (B.A), Diploma in Computer Science and Technology, Bachelor of Labour Management (B.L.M), Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Bachelor of Financial Investment and Analysis (B.F.I.A), Under Graduate Basic Training (U.G.B.T)
Employed In:Others, Own business, Not working, Job trials, Sports Person, Government job, Private job
Profession:Journalist, Trainer, Actor, Carpenter, Civil Engineer, Govt Official, Model, Others, Designer, Lecturer, Software Engineer, Television people, Accountant, Farmer, Geographer, Dentist, Pilot, Politician, Dramatist and Playwrights, Driver, Doctor, Electrical Engineer, Sports person, CEO, Astrologer, Astronaut, Lawyer / Advocate, Philosopher, Cartoonist, Goldsmith, Human Resource Professional, Architect, Scientist, Poet, Educationaist, Director, Chef/Cook, Mechanical Engineer, Musician, Manager
Country Living In:India