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M698207 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:30 years
Mother Tongue:Hindi
Caste:Bais Bania
Marital Status:Single
Country:United Kingdom (UK)
City :London
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Hindi
Physical Status:Normal
Height:5 Ft 5 In
Family Details
Not Specified
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Master of Business Administration (M.B.A)
Special Degree:BBA
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Marketing manager
Salary:62000 Pound Sterling Annually
Astrological Details
Not Specified
Age Between:30 & 37
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Khorthu/Khotta, Bundeli/Bundelkhan, Bagheli/Bagheli khan, Pahari, Laman/Lambadi, Harauti, Garhwali, Nagamese, Nimadi, Sadan/Sadri, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Bengali
Physical Status:Normal
Drinking Habits:Social Drinkers, Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Social Smokers, Non Smokers
Castes:Bais Bania, Bania / Baniya, Caste no bar
Profession:Journalist, Trainer, Actor, Carpenter, Civil Engineer, Govt Official, Model, Others, Designer, Lecturer, Software Engineer, Television people, Accountant, Farmer, Geographer, Dentist, Pilot, Politician, Dramatist and Playwrights, Driver, Doctor, Electrical Engineer, Sports person, CEO, Astrologer, Astronaut, Lawyer / Advocate, Philosopher, Cartoonist, Goldsmith, Human Resource Professional, Architect, Scientist, Poet, Educationaist, Director, Chef/Cook, Mechanical Engineer, Musician, Manager
Salary above:25000 Pound Sterling
Country Living In:United Kingdom (UK), India