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Basic Details
Age:31 years
Mother Tongue:Kannada
Marital Status:Divorced/Separated
City :Davanagere
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Height:5 Ft 3 In
Family Details
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Moderate
Family Status:Middle class
Father's Occupation:Business
Mothers Occupation:House wife
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:0 of 0 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)
Special Degree:BSc in Agricultural Marketing & Co Operation
Employed In:Government job
Special Occupation:Manager in Canara Bank
Salary:1100000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Star:Ashlesha / Ayilyam
Kuja Dosha:$systemcodemap.get("KUJA_DOSHAM$displayprofile.getProfilePersonalDetail().getKujaDosham()")
Timepass:Reading Books, Travelling
Movies:Comedy, Romantic
Age Between:30 & 37
Marital Status:Single, Divorced/Separated, Unconsummated, Widowed
Mother Tongue:Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Eating Habits:Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Social Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Castes:Lingayat, Ganiga Lingayat, Lingayat Banajiga, Lingayat Jangam, Lingayat Panchamasali, Lingayat Reddy, Sadar Lingayat, Sadhu Lingayat, Lingayat Paknak Reddy, Veerashaiva Lingayat, Nolamba lingayat, Caste no bar
Education:Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A), Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Master of Technology (M.Tech), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A), Bachelor of Fishery Sciences (B.F.S), Master of Commerce (M.Com), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Master of Arts (M.A), Master of Engineering (M.E), Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), Chartered Accountant
Employed In:Government job, Private job
Profession:Electrical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Govt Official, Architect, Lecturer
Country Living In:India
Visa Status:Others