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P685704 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:37 years
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Caste:Mula Telaga
Marital Status:Single
State:West Bengal
City :Kharagpur
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Telugu
Physical Status:Normal
Height:5 Ft 6 In
Family Details
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Traditional
Family Status:Below middle
Father's Occupation:Expier
Mothers Occupation:Expire
Brothers:6 of 3 married
Sisters:3 of 3 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Intermediate / Higher Secondary(11th or 12th)
Special Degree:No
Employed In:Others
Special Occupation:Driving
Salary:35000 Indian Rupee Monthly
Astrological Details
Kuja Dosha:No
Music:Melody, Rock, Classical, Pop
Timepass:Shopping, Sleeping
Movies:Action, Horror, Romantic
Age Between:29 & 37
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Telugu
Castes:Mula Telaga, Telaga, Balija, Munnuru Kapu, Turpu Kapu, Naidu, Balija Naidu, Ontari, Gajula Balija, Surya Balija, Kapu Naidu, Balajiga, Kapu Reddy, Caste no bar