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R668289 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:36 years
Mother Tongue:Kannada
Caste:Brahmin Kokanastha
Marital Status:Single
City :Dakshina Kannada
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Hindi, Marathi, English, Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 9 In
Weight:60.0 Kg
Eating Habits:Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
About Family:
Family Type:Joint
Family Values:Liberal
Family Status:Rich
Father's Occupation:Agriculture
Mothers Occupation:House wife
Brothers:1 of 1 married
Sisters:1 of 1 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Chartered Accountant
Special Degree:Ph. D
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Job
Salary:700000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Kuja Dosha:No
Sports:Football, Cricket
with friends, Social
networking, Spend time
with Family, Reading Books, Shopping, Play Sports, Watch movies, Travelling -
Movies:Comedy, Romantic, Science Fiction, Action
Age Between:25 & 32
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Marathi, Kannada
Physical Status:Normal
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Castes:Kokanastha / Chitpavan Brahmin, Brahmin, Caste no bar
Education:Bachelor of Engineering (B.E), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Master of Engineering (M.E), Master of Technology (M.Tech), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S), Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S), Doctor of Medicine (M.D), Master of Surgery (M.S), Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S), Master of Chirurgical (M.Ch), Doctor of Medicine (D.M), Bachelor of Arts (B.A), Bachelor of Applied Sciences (B.A.S), Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (B.A.S.L.P), Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S), Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A), Bachelor of Business Management (B.B.M), Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S), Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelor of Communication Journalism (B.C.J), Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A), Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.S), Bachelor of Design (B.Des), Bachelor of Education in Artificial Intelligence (B.Ed AI), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Bachelor of Electronic Science (B.E.S), Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EL.Ed), Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B.F.Tech), Bachelor of Financial Investment and Analysis (B.F.I.A), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), Bachelor of Fishery Sciences (B.F.S), Bachelor of General Law (B.G.L), Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (B.H.M.S), Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management (B.H.T.M), Bachelor of Hotel Management (B.H.M), Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (B.H.M.C.T), Bachelor of Labour Management (B.L.M), Bachelor of Law (LLB), Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.S), Bachelor of Library Science (B.L.Sc), Bachelor of Literature (B.Lit), Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (B.M.L.T), Management Development Programme (M.D.P)
Country Living In:Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dominica, Montenegro, Montserrat