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S582325 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:41 years
Mother Tongue:Oriya
Marital Status:Single
State:Andhra Pradesh
City :Tirupati
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:English, Hindi - Delhi, Oriya
Physical Status:Normal
Body Type:Average
Height:5 Ft 7 In
Eating Habits:Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Don't Drink
Smoking Habits:Don't smoke
Family Details
Family Type:Nuclear
Family Values:Traditional
Family Status:Middle class
Father's Occupation:farmer
Mothers Occupation:homemaker
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:2 of 2 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Intermediate / Higher Secondary(11th or 12th)
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Technician
Salary:200000 Indian Rupee Annually
Astrological Details
Star:Ardra / Thiruvathirai
Sports:Cricket, Badminton
Timepass:Reading Books, Travelling
Movies:Romantic, Comedy
What I'm looking for:
Age Between:18 & 40
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Oriya, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Bengali
Religions:Buddhist, Hindu
Body Type:Athletic, Average, Slim
Eating Habits:Eggetarian, Buddhist Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, Jain Vegetarian
Drinking Habits:Non Drinkers
Smoking Habits:Non Smokers
Raasi:Dhanush, Kumba, Simha, Makara, Vrischika, Mithuna, Kanya, Mesha, Thula, Karkataka
Castes:Chasa, Kshatriya, Khandayat, Caste no bar
Education:Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Bachelor of Computer Applications (B.C.A), Bachelor of Hotel Management (B.H.M), Diploma in Elect. and Communication, Diploma in Mechatronics, Bachelor of Literature (B.Lit), Intermediate / Higher Secondary(11th or 12th), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), 10th class, Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A), Bachelor of Arts (B.A), Diploma in Computer Science and Technology