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S624871 , Name Protected
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Basic Details
Age:42 years
Mother Tongue:Gujarati
Caste:Gurjar Suthar
Marital Status:Single
Country:Tanzania, United Republic of
City :Dsm
Personal Information
Spoken Languages:Gujarati
Physical Status:Normal
Height:5 Ft 9 In
Family Details
Family Type:Joint
Family Values:Moderate
Family Status:Above middle
Father's Occupation:Business owner
Mothers Occupation:Housewife
Brothers:0 of 0 married
Sisters:2 of 0 married
Education & Employment
Highest Degree:Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Employed In:Private job
Special Occupation:Sale professional
Salary:1100000 Tanzanian Shilling Monthly
Astrological Details
Mangal Dosha(Manglik):No
Music:Rock, Pop, Melody, R&B, Classical
Sports:Tennis, Football, Badminton, Cricket
Timepass:Travelling, Hangout
with friends, Social
networking, Sleeping, Watch movies, Reading Books, Spend time
with Family, Play Sports, Shopping -
Movies:Action, Comedy
Age Between:34 & 42
Marital Status:Single
Mother Tongue:Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali
Religions:Hindu, Jain
Eating Habits:Vegetarian, Eggetarian, Vegan, Jain Vegetarian, Buddhist Vegetarian
Education:10th class, Intermediate / Higher Secondary(11th or 12th), Diploma in Computer Engineering